Friday, August 8, 2008

SEVENS, now in convenient blog servings.

October 7, 2007 was one of those days that kind of changed my way of thinking just a little. Nothing big, it's just that I had been toying with the idea for some time, of sending out an email-based devotional project, and decided on that day to go ahead with it and send it out.

I decided on the name SEVENS for several reasons, the most obvious of which was the date it was supposed to be sent out each month. It's also the minimum amount of time I think someone should spend in the Word and in prayer each day. I often fail at that minimum daily requirement, and feel "spiritually parched" if I don't get back into that holy rhythm. So I figured there might be a few others out there who felt the same way, and on the off chance that there was anyone who might read what I had to write, I wanted to help just a little.

So I went ahead with it, and sent the original one out to about 250 people, asking anyone who wanted to keep getting them to reply and let me know. It wasn't really that good, and I didn't really introduce it that well, but it went over okay, I guess. My sister Karol was the very first person to respond, asking to be kept on the mailing list. That made me feel good. And over the next few days, I was... well, not exactly flooded, but at least somewhat bombarded... with people who said they would like to keep getting the devos. I ended up with about 50 adults who responded, and have sent it to them ever since. I have also continued to send it to the students/youth in my email address book, to give them another little spiritual boost if ever they should desire such a thing.

All that stuff was just Unnecessary Details, I guess. But a few months later I started thinking it might be nice to actually have them all in one place to come back to if I wanted. And, you know, in case my email ever crashed or whatever. And when I thought maybe I could put them in a blog, that meant that maybe a few more people might actually comment on them, and maybe a few new people might find out about 'em too. I want this thing to grow. Lest that sound selfish, I just want to be used by God. And I want to share some good thoughts in community, seeing what the others in this little experiment might have to say about these little thought-starters.

So here begins the SEVENS blog. I will be putting the previous volumes up here every so often, and will continue (at least for the time being) to send them out via email. Please comment, adding your perspective to the mix. You've certainly got something to add. And really, I think it will only make these thoughts better to hear what people are thinking and how they are responding.

Alright, I'm going to leave you for now with some famous words from two men at the opposite ends of the spectrum of Godly wisdom... but which, stunningly, say the exact same thing. Here goes.

Do not merely listen to the Word... do what it says. - James
Git-R-Done. - Larry the Cable Guy


PS. There was actually a Christian record label called Five Minute Walk records, and they made it well known that they chose the label name to encourage people to take five minutes a day to be alone, or "taking a walk with" their Savior. Here's some brief info on 5MW: