Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Welcome back to SEVENS, a once-monthly devotional thought designed to help us think about God and DO something about it. This month, I just want you to pray as you read...

This one is dedicated to DeeDee and Agnes.
I love you and I hope these words help in your sadness.

"For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."
Philippians 1:21

That's a heavy verse. Why? Well... because it means that there are only two options - live or die. (well DUH, Aaron!)

The first is elaborated on in this verse:
"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me."
Galatians 2:20

So when we say "to live is Christ" we mean "Hey, if I'm gonna live, It's gonna be so I can give Christ my hands, my feet, my heart, to be used however he wants." Our life is to be a fulfilling of Christ's purpose, his cause here on Earth. Whatever time we are given should be used for God's glory. It should be used to further the cause of worshiping our Maker and telling others about Him so they will yearn to worship Him just like we do.

Then there's death. When Paul said "to die is gain" he just meant "If I die, I get my finial reward." There's a song that says, 'everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die.' I agree. Sure, we all want to get to heaven, and maybe get wings and fly all over, and oh yeah - see JESUS face to face... but we don't want to have to die to get there.
It is a rather scary thing. But you know what?

I believe with all I am that Jesus will be there to grab me the moment this body fails.

And I believe there won't be even a moment where I'm wondering what's happening to me. I have assurance from I John 5:13 - it's a lock for me! Sure, not everyone has that assurance, but you can if you refer back to that first verse: TO LIVE IS CHRIST. So a new thought comes out of it: Live for Christ, and dying is gain.

So there it is. If God chooses to give us this day to live, we must use it to serve Him, and to fall more deeply in love with Him. And if God chooses to take us to Heaven, then everything else fades away, and there is just HIM. Wonderful, beautiful, glorious Jesus.

So spend time getting to know Him NOW so that when you meet Him face to face, you'll recognize Him! :)

REMEMBER: This thought, along with all the previous SEVENS devotions, are available on the SEVENS blog.
Let's discuss how you're putting these thoughts into action. Read 'em... and then comment at