Tuesday, April 7, 2009



People of the world have no HOPE of heaven except through a saving relationship with Jesus.

What if you knew Jesus was coming back tomorrow? Or in a week?

What would you do differently?

Since we don't know when - He MIGHT even return today - why aren't we doing those things?

As we prepare for Easter, we expect a lot of people who don't normally attend church to be coming. What will you do differently this year? Will you be the reason someone attends (have you asked them)? Will you be a part of the reason someone comes back (greet them warmly, help them find a class, a seat, a friend)? Will you welcome them to the family of God (offering them a place to feel valued, a place to serve, a place of acceptance)? Will you be the one God uses to give them the ONE TRUE HOPE - a saving relationship with Jesus?

Let's make this Easter count.