Thursday, September 18, 2008


Posting another of the "back issues" for you... Once again, please post your comments, and if you would like to get the monthly devo, please email me at

This is the second installment in the monthly devotional project, SEVENS. Each month, on the 7th, you will be asked to do something for God. It will be something different each month, but the goal each time will be for us to spend time with God, to grow, and to reach others. Last month, we prayed, directed by some brief scriptures. This month...


November is a month when the weather changes, the leaves are changing, or falling, and you can break out your favorite sweatshirt. Autumn is beautiful. It's something to be thankful for. In fact, this month, we want to stretch our appreciation for ALL our blessings... even the most simple things. God has indeed blessed each of us in more ways than we could count.

So... if you count today, it's 16 days until Thanksgiving. Your "assignment" is to list your blessings. Do you have a home? Electricity? Running water? Transportation? And not just the "stuff" ...who loves you? Are they a blessing? Give it a try. Literally, go get a pad of paper, and each day take a few minutes to write out what you're thankful for. Write out your blessings.

Then... make it your practice EACH day, from now until Thanksgiving, to live in appreciation of those people and things. How you choose to apply that is up to you. A friend reminded me today that "we are blessed so that we can BE a blessing," so you may choose to find a person who means a lot to you and share with them how much of a blessing they have been. You may choose to see that you have more blessings than you need, and choose to share them. But however you choose, above all else, give God the glory for each and every blessing. Be thankful.

Practicing, exercising, truly LIVING in thankfulness will not be easy. If you're like me, you'd rather complain about the slow driver in front of you than be thankful for having reliable transportation. Thankfulness, like all aspects of spiritual maturity, is no simple thing. Growing never is. I pray success for you.


PS - there is no contest for the person who comes up with the most things. :) But just out of curiosity, I'd like to know what you come up with, if you care to share. Hearing from you will help me know if these thoughts are making a difference to you. Thanks for readin' ... and be blessed!
(Originally published November 7, 2007)

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