Monday, December 8, 2008


Hey, check it out! It's the SEVENS Anniversary Issue. Yep, SEVENS started a year ago. Maybe it's time for a new look. Maybe I should add a shiny foil cover and double the price! But seriously - let's keep this one short. You and I don't need to be sitting in front of our computers typing and reading. We need to get up and get outta here. So if you're getting this for the first time, give it a read and let me know what you think. It's a once-monthly devotional thought that is supposed to help us think about God and DO something about it. So here goes.


Been reading Matthew, and I noticed a lot of talk about Jesus retreating off to a private place. Usually it's something like "at daybreak Jesus went off to a solitary place to pray." Jesus withdrew. This is supposed to be this super great guy! Why does he want to be alone?

He often did this kind of stuff right before (or right after) meeting with a crowd of people. Try to read the gospels without noticing the phrases like "the crowds followed him" or "the crowds were amazed" or "seeing the crowds, he had compassion..."
This guy's constantly being surrounded by the people he came to save. The ones he loves. He even hopped into a boat and backed up into the lake to give himself some space to teach!

o what's he doing? Praying and fasting (Matt.4). Gathering the courage to achieve his purpose (Matt.26). Listening to the encouragement of His Father (Matt.17). Once he even withdrew because he was sad (Matt.14).
Hmmm... so now I'm thinking... if Jesus had to do it, WHY DON'T WE?

Literally and figuratively speaking, crowds can be overwhelming. Who or what is crowding you? Or do you even notice? Ar you so used to the "daily grind" that you can't or won't escape it?

When was the last time you separated yourself from the routine, retreated from the "crowds" of work or bills or worries or running errands or TV or just whatever tasks seem so pressing... and went to a solitary place to just BE with the Lord?

It's been too long, hasn't it? I'm gonna say yes for me. How bout you? Make it a point to get away and spend time with God. Make it a point to disengage.
(Originally published October 7, 2008)

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