Thursday, May 7, 2009


Yep... PRAY. That's the clever thought. That's the simple idea. That's it.

Did you know that today is the National Day of Prayer? (the other 364 days can be, too...) Well for this SEVENS, I couldn't ignore that fact. So here's what I want us to do. On the official National Day of Prayer website, they have something called 7x7, which stands for seven points of prayer, seven days a week. Check it out here.
That's what I'm encouraging you to do today. Read some of the prayer aids on each of the seven topics, then PRAY. Spend some time in prayer with your loving Father who knows what you need (Matthew 6:8). Remember, He created you, He loves you, He knows you. So do your best to push all else aside and give some undivided time to your Heavenly Father.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009



People of the world have no HOPE of heaven except through a saving relationship with Jesus.

What if you knew Jesus was coming back tomorrow? Or in a week?

What would you do differently?

Since we don't know when - He MIGHT even return today - why aren't we doing those things?

As we prepare for Easter, we expect a lot of people who don't normally attend church to be coming. What will you do differently this year? Will you be the reason someone attends (have you asked them)? Will you be a part of the reason someone comes back (greet them warmly, help them find a class, a seat, a friend)? Will you welcome them to the family of God (offering them a place to feel valued, a place to serve, a place of acceptance)? Will you be the one God uses to give them the ONE TRUE HOPE - a saving relationship with Jesus?

Let's make this Easter count.

Saturday, March 7, 2009



Sometimes, when my kids are sick, I just feel helpless. And when I see them miserable, it hurts so deeply to not be able to do more for them. I just love them so much, my heart aches.

Sarah, the younger of my two angels, is getting close to 4 years old. And last month at this time, she was sick with a cold. It went through the house, we all got sick, we all got better… then just a couple weeks later, Sarah got sick again. And she was just miserable. Every time she coughs, I'm reminded that she is not well, and there's nothing more I can do…

And now today, Ruthie is starting to cough more. SIGH. I know things could be MUCH worse, but even the slightest ailment makes me want to do everything I can for them. Which never feels like enough.

While Sarah was sick, I prayed with and for her, and told her I would give her a hundred hugs to help her feel better. She has improved much, and before they went to bed tonight, we were at 39. We're both keeping count.

I love them with everything I've got. They say being a father gives you some insight into what God is like. Into how He loves us. I can't imagine how much it hurts Him when we are sick. When we are physically ailing, emotionally distressed, spiritually troubled… God loves us and does not want that for us. In fact, the most obvious evidence of his love was that he let HIS Son Jesus die – though that unquestionably hurt Him very much. He let Jesus die so that we could see His love! So that we could KNOW His love!

Maybe you need to read a love story from God to you. Check out First John chapter 4, beginning with verse 7.

This month's project? Soak in God's love. Perhaps your heart is hurt, and you need God to begin to heal it. Just be assured that the healing begins with the realization that God loves loves LOVES LOVES you. A hundred hugs' worth.


Saturday, February 7, 2009


Welcome back to SEVENS, a once-monthly devotional thought designed to help us think about God and DO something about it. This month...


Deuteronomy 8 begins:

1 Be careful to follow every command I am giving you today, so that you may live and increase and may enter and possess the land that the Lord promised on oath to your forefathers. 2 Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way in the desert these forty years, to humble you and to test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep His commands. 3 He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your fathers had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord. 4 Your clothes did not wear out and your feet did not swell during these forty years.

The Israelites had been slaves in Egypt. God delivered them from that slavery. Yet even as they traveled from slavery to the promised land, they grumbled about it. They even wished they were back in Egypt. So on the way to their destination, He caused them to wander through the wilderness for 40 years. Forty years!

But even God's punishment came laced with blessings. He provided for them everything they needed. Their food, their water, their protection from the elements, their direction... they couldn't get any of it anywhere else but FROM GOD HIMSELF!

The Israelites needed to be reminded that God had provided for them. They also needed to be reminded that they should return the favor by living by His commands. And we would do well to remember the same: God provides, protects and guides. Just look around and see all that He has done.

I want to show you something...

I got these shoes on the day of my wedding - in October of the year 2000. And they were already used when I got them. I've worn them every Sunday since, and on countless other occasions when I needed something nicer than tennis shoes. But through all this time, they haven't worn out. I've taken to calling them my "wilderness shoes" because they constantly remind me of those verses in Deuteronomy. As I get ready each Sunday morning for worship, for teaching, for fellowship... they remind me of one simple truth.

The Lord provides.

Tomorrow we gather for the very first time to worship at our new location: 321 Log Cabin Road! Some have drawn parallels between this relocation and the stories of the Exodus to the promised land. It's certain that God has provided for us, and has guided us, over the last few years. He has led us to move to a new place.

I'm guessing it's about time to get some new shoes. But I'm glad to see God's blessings all throughout my life. As I type this, my wife is singing bedtime prayers with my two beautiful children. They are blessings, indeed! Tomorrow, I will teach the Word to middle school students. Blessings! I have a warm bed and toilets that work and two cars and I can read and I have a nice office with a brand new love seat… and… well, the blessings are everywhere!

May such commonplace things as these remind you of God's love for you. In fact, that's what this month's project is. Go on and comment below about something that reminds you of God's provision, protection, guidance… and His love.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Welcome back to SEVENS, a once-monthly devotional thought designed to help us think about God and DO something about it. This month, I just want you to pray as you read...

This one is dedicated to DeeDee and Agnes.
I love you and I hope these words help in your sadness.

"For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."
Philippians 1:21

That's a heavy verse. Why? Well... because it means that there are only two options - live or die. (well DUH, Aaron!)

The first is elaborated on in this verse:
"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me."
Galatians 2:20

So when we say "to live is Christ" we mean "Hey, if I'm gonna live, It's gonna be so I can give Christ my hands, my feet, my heart, to be used however he wants." Our life is to be a fulfilling of Christ's purpose, his cause here on Earth. Whatever time we are given should be used for God's glory. It should be used to further the cause of worshiping our Maker and telling others about Him so they will yearn to worship Him just like we do.

Then there's death. When Paul said "to die is gain" he just meant "If I die, I get my finial reward." There's a song that says, 'everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die.' I agree. Sure, we all want to get to heaven, and maybe get wings and fly all over, and oh yeah - see JESUS face to face... but we don't want to have to die to get there.
It is a rather scary thing. But you know what?

I believe with all I am that Jesus will be there to grab me the moment this body fails.

And I believe there won't be even a moment where I'm wondering what's happening to me. I have assurance from I John 5:13 - it's a lock for me! Sure, not everyone has that assurance, but you can if you refer back to that first verse: TO LIVE IS CHRIST. So a new thought comes out of it: Live for Christ, and dying is gain.

So there it is. If God chooses to give us this day to live, we must use it to serve Him, and to fall more deeply in love with Him. And if God chooses to take us to Heaven, then everything else fades away, and there is just HIM. Wonderful, beautiful, glorious Jesus.

So spend time getting to know Him NOW so that when you meet Him face to face, you'll recognize Him! :)

REMEMBER: This thought, along with all the previous SEVENS devotions, are available on the SEVENS blog.
Let's discuss how you're putting these thoughts into action. Read 'em... and then comment at