Saturday, March 7, 2009



Sometimes, when my kids are sick, I just feel helpless. And when I see them miserable, it hurts so deeply to not be able to do more for them. I just love them so much, my heart aches.

Sarah, the younger of my two angels, is getting close to 4 years old. And last month at this time, she was sick with a cold. It went through the house, we all got sick, we all got better… then just a couple weeks later, Sarah got sick again. And she was just miserable. Every time she coughs, I'm reminded that she is not well, and there's nothing more I can do…

And now today, Ruthie is starting to cough more. SIGH. I know things could be MUCH worse, but even the slightest ailment makes me want to do everything I can for them. Which never feels like enough.

While Sarah was sick, I prayed with and for her, and told her I would give her a hundred hugs to help her feel better. She has improved much, and before they went to bed tonight, we were at 39. We're both keeping count.

I love them with everything I've got. They say being a father gives you some insight into what God is like. Into how He loves us. I can't imagine how much it hurts Him when we are sick. When we are physically ailing, emotionally distressed, spiritually troubled… God loves us and does not want that for us. In fact, the most obvious evidence of his love was that he let HIS Son Jesus die – though that unquestionably hurt Him very much. He let Jesus die so that we could see His love! So that we could KNOW His love!

Maybe you need to read a love story from God to you. Check out First John chapter 4, beginning with verse 7.

This month's project? Soak in God's love. Perhaps your heart is hurt, and you need God to begin to heal it. Just be assured that the healing begins with the realization that God loves loves LOVES LOVES you. A hundred hugs' worth.


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