Friday, November 7, 2008


This is the NINTH installment...


I'm sure I've already written on this topic. It's kind of the central emphasis for Sevens. But I just keep coming back to it. I keep thinking there is something more that needs to be done, something more than needs to be said. I've said before that it's a privilege to serve. And I really think that the people who figure that one thing out, will have a much more fulfilled life than those who live life centered on themselves.

But this last week I've had plenty of opportunity to think about the behavior of service... And the phrase kept bubbling up in my head... TO LOVE IS TO SERVE.

You see, the last several days, I've been at Woodland Christian Camp, with about 70 middle schoolers. And boy, there was plenty of opportunity to serve there. Many of the young people were really struggling, figuring out how to live out their faith. And no two were going into it with the same life story. They struggled in so many different areas: guilt, loss, deceit, self-centeredness, confusion, anger, self esteem, general awkward-ness, and all the other stuff that comes with new hormones...

So I just asked God to help me look with compassion on each of them, asked Him to show me opportunities to love them by serving them. And He did. I pray I didn't miss any of His leading.

I pray you'll do the same for your situation. Who are the "struggling middle school campers" in your life? And what wisdom and guidance can you give them? How can you serve them, showing them the love of our Lord through your actions?

Romans 12:9 says "Love must be sincere." But listen to The Message: it says "Love from the center of who you are. Don't fake it." That's just another verse that brings this idea into sharp focus again. You can PRETEND to love someone, and even say it to them, but in order to REALLY love, to love from the CENTER of who you are, you're going to have to DO something about it. You're going to have to ACT. So... to say it again, the result is this: to love is to serve.


I'm still tired from this week, cause really I'm a wimp, and all that "real work" wore me out. Serving makes my back hurt! :) But boy, it's very fulfilling. Like I said, those who figure out that it's a privilege to serve will end up being fulfilled, happy people. It destroys your chance to have a negative spirit, simply because the heart of a servant does not usually cohabitate with a negative spirit within the same person.

I hope this little devotional thought has also served you in some small way. Because it is a privilege to serve you, if you know what I mean...

SEVENS: Do not merely listen to the word... do what it says. James 1:22.
(Originally published June 7, 2008)

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