Thursday, October 30, 2008

.YOUR TURN. followup

Hey there. Welcome to the special “follow-up edition” of SEVENS. I challenged our readers to write their own - and got some interesting responses. They were good, and you can see them below. But there were also far fewer than I had expected, so I’ll just say this: many of you still have an awesome thought on your heart. Share it. So without further ado, here are our special guest submissions:

JESSICA CRAIN is my niece, and once again I gotta say, I’m proud of her. Attached is a letter from her momma - my sister KAROL - appropriately entitled...
Pony Up. On April 9th, 2008, 57 ladies from the Grayslake North High School wanted to give back. Their gift was not money, or gently worn clothing. It was not a car wash in bikinis or selling candy at the big game. They gave their hair to women who underwent chemotherapy to fight for their lives against cancer. The room was full of girls in yellow “Pony Up” t-shirts, waiting their turn to be registered and measured. I wondered if the girls were thinking of the women with bandannas on their heads and hope in their eyes. Of course they were nervous about how their hair would look for Prom, a short 34 days away. After all, they are high school teenage girls. Nearly a thousand students gathered in the Gym to witness each of these girls making ‘the cut’. The students roared in pride and support of their classmates. All of the students, faculty and guests wore the name of family members or friends that had been touched by cancer. Banners were made and hung on the walls of the gym. As the crowd left the gym, each of the names were peeled from their shirts and pasted on the banners for display for weeks in remembrance of this special event at GNHS. They held up their gift with pride as mothers and reporters took photo after photo. They made ‘the cut’ in my book. If only all of us would “Pony Up” every day for those less fortunate than us. These girls are a good example for High School Girls everywhere. Pictured above is Jessica on the ride home after donating 9 inches of her hair to women who have lost their hair due to chemotherapy treatment for cancer.I’m so proud of Jessica for giving back. "Mom"

DR. JO ANN MANLEY is a member with me on the board of directors at the Baldwin Christian Learning Center. Her words:
One of my favorite scriptures is Second Timothy 2:15: "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of God."
We are challenged to study the word on a regular basis and seek understanding. No matter how hard we try, we never fully comprehend all that we need to do, therefore we must continue to study and never be ashamed of our search for understanding.
In today's political arena we are constantly seeking the truth, with the media attempting to sway our thinking. I am grateful that I can read (remember reading is word recognition and COMPREHENSION). Many people around the world never have an opportunity to learn to read and many in our country have limited reading ability, especially comprehension. Let us continue to study and seek the truth in all that we do.

DEBBIE FERGUS is a friend and mentor from my home church in Illinois. Her words:
I liken the choice of accepting or not accepting the wonderful gift of salvation to going on a vacation. When you’re going on a trip . . . a wonderfully exciting trip that you’re really looking forward to (like to an exotic Caribbean beach or something like that!), you don’t just wake up one morning and go to the airport and expect to get there.
Instead, you make plans, you save money, you read about it, you listen to others who have been there, you make a reservation, and then you TELL EVERYBODY where you’re going!!!!!
So as far as salvation is concerned, the same principles apply. You know you want to go to Heaven, but just “wanting” to go doesn’t get you there.
Instead, you make your plans . . . you read the Word of God, you listen to others who know how to get there, you make a “reservation” by accepting Jesus as your Savior, and then you TELL EVERYBODY where you’re going and invite them to go along!!!

So there you have it. People sharing some inspiring words and exciting actions to encourage us, and to remind us to ACT on our faith. God is good.

I love ya. Talk to you again soon.
(Originally published May 8, 2008)

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