Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Sunday night, God showed up. I had a chance to partner with kingdom workers from Calumet Street Christian Church (where I work), Greenview Christian Church, Fouts Christian Church and Christ's Church of Effingham. Andrew Bloemker (co-founder of Feed the Crave Ministries) gave a presentation explaining the need for food to be prepared and taken to children and families in places like Costa Rica and Haiti... and God's people responded with an incredible outpouring. Precisely $2296.26 was given that evening, including $1.26 in change. That $1.26 may not have seemed like much next to the generous checks and $20 bills, but $1.26 meant four more meals. Four MORE meals!

So, we went to work. That $2,296.26 (which has since grown) meant we could package 7,654 meals. Over the next hour and a half, we gave it our all. Tubs of soy, rice, dried vegetables, and flavoring were scooped into bags. Bags were then heat sealed, then boxed up. Boxes started to stack up. Then we ran out of soy. Once all the dust cleared, we had packaged somewhere around 6,400 meals. Or enough for over 200 people to eat for a month. Pretty cool, but definitely not the end of it. People wanna do more. We need to keep praying for what God is going to do through us next...

God did not create for himself a human body, in which he had to grow, live, struggle, love, share, hurt, and die... for us to "play it safe." He intended for us to take risks, step out of the easy into the battle zone.

So let's go. Your challenge is to FEED someone. Give a chance to a child that might otherwise die without ever hearing the message that Jesus Christ loves them and can give them glorious eternal life in Heaven. Check out some of the links below for God-centered charities that provide love, hope, food, and water for children in need... and get plugged in with one or more of them.

Feed the Crave
World Vision
Compassion International
Active Water
Angel Tree / Prison Fellowship

Got another one that you know of? Let me know. And maybe sometime when you come over to the house, ask us about William, someone we've gotten to connect with because of World Vision. Let's get to work.

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