Thursday, October 30, 2008

.YOUR TURN. followup

Hey there. Welcome to the special “follow-up edition” of SEVENS. I challenged our readers to write their own - and got some interesting responses. They were good, and you can see them below. But there were also far fewer than I had expected, so I’ll just say this: many of you still have an awesome thought on your heart. Share it. So without further ado, here are our special guest submissions:

JESSICA CRAIN is my niece, and once again I gotta say, I’m proud of her. Attached is a letter from her momma - my sister KAROL - appropriately entitled...
Pony Up. On April 9th, 2008, 57 ladies from the Grayslake North High School wanted to give back. Their gift was not money, or gently worn clothing. It was not a car wash in bikinis or selling candy at the big game. They gave their hair to women who underwent chemotherapy to fight for their lives against cancer. The room was full of girls in yellow “Pony Up” t-shirts, waiting their turn to be registered and measured. I wondered if the girls were thinking of the women with bandannas on their heads and hope in their eyes. Of course they were nervous about how their hair would look for Prom, a short 34 days away. After all, they are high school teenage girls. Nearly a thousand students gathered in the Gym to witness each of these girls making ‘the cut’. The students roared in pride and support of their classmates. All of the students, faculty and guests wore the name of family members or friends that had been touched by cancer. Banners were made and hung on the walls of the gym. As the crowd left the gym, each of the names were peeled from their shirts and pasted on the banners for display for weeks in remembrance of this special event at GNHS. They held up their gift with pride as mothers and reporters took photo after photo. They made ‘the cut’ in my book. If only all of us would “Pony Up” every day for those less fortunate than us. These girls are a good example for High School Girls everywhere. Pictured above is Jessica on the ride home after donating 9 inches of her hair to women who have lost their hair due to chemotherapy treatment for cancer.I’m so proud of Jessica for giving back. "Mom"

DR. JO ANN MANLEY is a member with me on the board of directors at the Baldwin Christian Learning Center. Her words:
One of my favorite scriptures is Second Timothy 2:15: "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of God."
We are challenged to study the word on a regular basis and seek understanding. No matter how hard we try, we never fully comprehend all that we need to do, therefore we must continue to study and never be ashamed of our search for understanding.
In today's political arena we are constantly seeking the truth, with the media attempting to sway our thinking. I am grateful that I can read (remember reading is word recognition and COMPREHENSION). Many people around the world never have an opportunity to learn to read and many in our country have limited reading ability, especially comprehension. Let us continue to study and seek the truth in all that we do.

DEBBIE FERGUS is a friend and mentor from my home church in Illinois. Her words:
I liken the choice of accepting or not accepting the wonderful gift of salvation to going on a vacation. When you’re going on a trip . . . a wonderfully exciting trip that you’re really looking forward to (like to an exotic Caribbean beach or something like that!), you don’t just wake up one morning and go to the airport and expect to get there.
Instead, you make plans, you save money, you read about it, you listen to others who have been there, you make a reservation, and then you TELL EVERYBODY where you’re going!!!!!
So as far as salvation is concerned, the same principles apply. You know you want to go to Heaven, but just “wanting” to go doesn’t get you there.
Instead, you make your plans . . . you read the Word of God, you listen to others who know how to get there, you make a “reservation” by accepting Jesus as your Savior, and then you TELL EVERYBODY where you’re going and invite them to go along!!!

So there you have it. People sharing some inspiring words and exciting actions to encourage us, and to remind us to ACT on our faith. God is good.

I love ya. Talk to you again soon.
(Originally published May 8, 2008)

Friday, October 24, 2008


This is a SPECIAL SEVENTH installment...


This one's gonna be just a LITTLE bit different. As I said last month, this one is going to depend a lot on you... and you know, each month I ask you to do something for God.

So this month... it's your turn.

I want YOU to "write a sevens" of your own.

Yep. I've been thinking about this for at least a couple of months now, mostly wondering how I would lay this one out for you. What sort of instructions could I give without placing some unnecessary limits on your creativity?

But I have really wanted to do this for several reasons, one of which is to say that I am definitely NOT the only one who can do this sort of thing. I pray that my thoughts have been helpful to you; I know that some of you can and should be able to do the same for others! I want to share that joy with you.

So here's what I'm thinking... The goal for you will be the same as the goal has always been for me when writing these thoughts: Help the reader spend time with God, to grow, and to reach others. Everyone has something in their heart that they can share about our great and glorious God. And many of those thoughts are unique, or at least that they can be expressed in unique ways.

I recently asked a friend, if she had one chance to stand before the church and give a message, what would the sermon title be? What would she "preach" about? Well, what one message would YOU give to the body of Christ? What thoughts would YOU share with God's family? I've started asking others the same thing and they have come up with some interesting "titles" for sermons, but I'm taking you one step further:

Write it out.
Write a modern parable.
Write a psalm, a song for God.
Type out a verse or two of scripture, then relate it to a life experience that will give someone else a fresh new understanding of the Word.

However you do it, whether it's just a few sentences or several pages of opening your heart, it matters not. My style of writing is rather conversational, but others may write very differently. Different styles and approaches will most certainly appeal to different kinds of people. Think about this: what you say may seem simple or silly or obvious or unpolished to you, but it may allow someone to see their loving God in a whole new light. You could bolster someone's faith with just a few words! That is a very exciting possibility for each of us. Let's get to it!

But don't rush. Take a few days to let some thoughts simmer around in your heart and mind. Talk with Jesus about it. Let the Holy Spirit form a "holy idea" in you. Then type something out. Sanctify your keyboard - use it for something honorable and Godly! Type something out and email it back to me. If you are okay with it, I may send your thoughts out later this month.

SEVENS: Do not merely listen to the word... do what it says. James 1:22.

(Originally published April 8, 2008 because I was out with some great friends until midnight)

Thursday, October 16, 2008


This is the SIXTH installment...


I Timothy 1:12 - I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to his service.

It is a privilege to serve. I've said that a thousand times. I feel especially blessed to be able to serve God as a minister to youth and families - to HIS family. And it is my prayer that this devotional provides a small but effective means of service to YOU. You see, I love serving God, and I love that He lets me do it... that He lets me be on HIS team. I love that He gives me so many opportunities to serve Him and give Him glory by serving others in love.

This is not the way the world is. Every store has a "customer service" desk or department. McDonald's sign says "billions and billions served." But do those in the "service industry" truly show a desire to serve? Is it a pleasure? Do they count it a privilege? Does it bring joy to the cook to prepare your Big Mac and jumbo fries? :)
It's just a means of getting a paycheck, and "if I don't HAVE to smile or look you in the eye, I won't."

Lest this sound like a complaint, I just want to make clear my point: For those serving a Lord they love, it IS a privilege to serve. But without that motivation, service is just work. It's demeaning labor.

But Jesus told us that WE ARE NOT OF THIS WORLD!!! In serving others, and doing it with a smile, doing it with love, we definitely set ourselves apart. As the world continues to get darker, we set ourselves apart by shining ever brighter (Matthew 5:14, Ephesians 5:8-10).

"The only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve." - Albert Schweitzer. Whether or not you agree with all this man did or wrote, this thought is still very true. The more we seek out opportunities to serve others (and in doing so, serving the Master of Creation), the more fulfilled and joyful we will be. The more we can take the focus off ourselves, the more we can serve others with a glad heart, and put a smile on the face of our God.

Serve the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful singing. -
Psalm 100:2 (NASB)
Let's do this. It's the only life worth living, and it's a privilege. Will you join me?

SEVENS: Do not merely listen to the word... do what it says. James 1:22.

Thanks for readin' ... and be blessed!
(Originally published March 7, 2008)

Friday, October 10, 2008


Hi again. This is the FIFTH installment...


There's a song playing on my iTunes right now, which asks the question:
"The unloved... who will love us?"

A couple weeks ago in church, as I was listening to the sermon on serving like Jesus, something Mark said sparked a thought in my mind - what would it be like to not EVER feel loved? I mean, I haven't always FELT loved, but I have always KNOWN I was loved. What if that wasn't there?

Check out Matthew 25:40. Jesus says that whatever we do to serve "the least of these," we do for him. So you know what that makes me think? I want to spend more time with the LEAST OF THESE. Just in case. Because hey, I love Jesus. You too, right? But to love is to serve... and we love and serve HIM by loving and serving OTHERS. Show love to someone today by serving them humbly.

If you need some humility, check out the God of the universe washing people's feet in John 13. Or recall the fact that Jesus was criticized for spending time with the unsavory: the sleazy, shady, sinful people. You know... all those lepers and tax collectors and prostitutes... all those people who probably felt unloved.

I think finding the LEAST OF THESE would mean finding someone who is UNLOVED. They might be someone who wreaks of booze or urine and hasn't changed clothes in a month. They might be the cashier whose boyfriend left them last night. They might be the coworker who lost their family and never learned to love again. Look around with Jesus' eyes and see if you can't find someone who is unloved.

And love them.

SEVENS: Do not merely listen to the word... do what it says. James 1:22.

PS - Hearing from you will help me know if these thoughts are making a difference to you. Let me know if you're accomplishing the "project."
Thanks for readin' ... and be blessed!
(Originally published February 7, 2008)

Friday, October 3, 2008


Hi again. This is the FOURTH installment ... you know the drill. This month...


This scripture has been flashing in my mind lately.
LUKE 3:11. The man with two tunics should share with him who has none, and the one who has food should do the same.

Reading that strikes at something deep within me. We'll get to that. But it also makes me think of several other scriptures. Let's look at some of them, rapid-fire style...

Matthew 5:42 says, "Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you."

In Matthew 6, Jesus is in the middle of the Sermon on the Mount. Talking to a crowd of people. And in the midst of that lesson, He says "WHEN you give to the needy..." There is no room for the word IF. It's understood that someone who is submitted to God is going to care for others!

A longtime favorite verse of mine is James 1:27: "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." I don't know a lot of orphans and widows. But what action would that cause me to take if I were to live it out today?

That's the point I'm getting at, really.
I don't even have a tunic. But I certainly do have a lot of things I don't need.
I don't know a lot of orphans, but I know a lot of people in distress.
People don't often ask me to give them something, but occasionally I know of a need without being asked.

So... here's the deal. The scriptures are full of instances where Jesus or John or James or some other man of God wrote about helping someone in need. But... the circumstances are different now, so I'm asking you this: How would you translate giving your extra tunic to someone who doesn't have one? How would you translate that into action? For YOU, here and now? Do you need to go to your closet and your dresser and see if you have more than enough clothes? Do you need to volunteer at the Salvation Army thrift store to help them get clothes to people who need them? Do you need to check out Compassion International or World Vision and sponsor a child in another part of the world who has nothing? Literally, there are millions of people who have NOTHING. It makes me so ashamed to see just how cluttered my house is when people live with NOTHING.

Think about it for a bit while you c
heck out James 2:14-26.

So let's be honest. You know of some desperate needs. Sit down and think of a few. Pray for them, then for heaven's sake get up and act!

SEVENS: Do not merely listen to the word... do what it says. James 1:22.

Hearing from you will help me know if these thoughts are making a difference to you. Let me know if you're accomplishing the "project." Thanks for readin' ... and be blessed!
(Originally published January 7, 2008)