Friday, October 24, 2008


This is a SPECIAL SEVENTH installment...


This one's gonna be just a LITTLE bit different. As I said last month, this one is going to depend a lot on you... and you know, each month I ask you to do something for God.

So this month... it's your turn.

I want YOU to "write a sevens" of your own.

Yep. I've been thinking about this for at least a couple of months now, mostly wondering how I would lay this one out for you. What sort of instructions could I give without placing some unnecessary limits on your creativity?

But I have really wanted to do this for several reasons, one of which is to say that I am definitely NOT the only one who can do this sort of thing. I pray that my thoughts have been helpful to you; I know that some of you can and should be able to do the same for others! I want to share that joy with you.

So here's what I'm thinking... The goal for you will be the same as the goal has always been for me when writing these thoughts: Help the reader spend time with God, to grow, and to reach others. Everyone has something in their heart that they can share about our great and glorious God. And many of those thoughts are unique, or at least that they can be expressed in unique ways.

I recently asked a friend, if she had one chance to stand before the church and give a message, what would the sermon title be? What would she "preach" about? Well, what one message would YOU give to the body of Christ? What thoughts would YOU share with God's family? I've started asking others the same thing and they have come up with some interesting "titles" for sermons, but I'm taking you one step further:

Write it out.
Write a modern parable.
Write a psalm, a song for God.
Type out a verse or two of scripture, then relate it to a life experience that will give someone else a fresh new understanding of the Word.

However you do it, whether it's just a few sentences or several pages of opening your heart, it matters not. My style of writing is rather conversational, but others may write very differently. Different styles and approaches will most certainly appeal to different kinds of people. Think about this: what you say may seem simple or silly or obvious or unpolished to you, but it may allow someone to see their loving God in a whole new light. You could bolster someone's faith with just a few words! That is a very exciting possibility for each of us. Let's get to it!

But don't rush. Take a few days to let some thoughts simmer around in your heart and mind. Talk with Jesus about it. Let the Holy Spirit form a "holy idea" in you. Then type something out. Sanctify your keyboard - use it for something honorable and Godly! Type something out and email it back to me. If you are okay with it, I may send your thoughts out later this month.

SEVENS: Do not merely listen to the word... do what it says. James 1:22.

(Originally published April 8, 2008 because I was out with some great friends until midnight)

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