Friday, October 10, 2008


Hi again. This is the FIFTH installment...


There's a song playing on my iTunes right now, which asks the question:
"The unloved... who will love us?"

A couple weeks ago in church, as I was listening to the sermon on serving like Jesus, something Mark said sparked a thought in my mind - what would it be like to not EVER feel loved? I mean, I haven't always FELT loved, but I have always KNOWN I was loved. What if that wasn't there?

Check out Matthew 25:40. Jesus says that whatever we do to serve "the least of these," we do for him. So you know what that makes me think? I want to spend more time with the LEAST OF THESE. Just in case. Because hey, I love Jesus. You too, right? But to love is to serve... and we love and serve HIM by loving and serving OTHERS. Show love to someone today by serving them humbly.

If you need some humility, check out the God of the universe washing people's feet in John 13. Or recall the fact that Jesus was criticized for spending time with the unsavory: the sleazy, shady, sinful people. You know... all those lepers and tax collectors and prostitutes... all those people who probably felt unloved.

I think finding the LEAST OF THESE would mean finding someone who is UNLOVED. They might be someone who wreaks of booze or urine and hasn't changed clothes in a month. They might be the cashier whose boyfriend left them last night. They might be the coworker who lost their family and never learned to love again. Look around with Jesus' eyes and see if you can't find someone who is unloved.

And love them.

SEVENS: Do not merely listen to the word... do what it says. James 1:22.

PS - Hearing from you will help me know if these thoughts are making a difference to you. Let me know if you're accomplishing the "project."
Thanks for readin' ... and be blessed!
(Originally published February 7, 2008)

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