Thursday, October 16, 2008


This is the SIXTH installment...


I Timothy 1:12 - I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to his service.

It is a privilege to serve. I've said that a thousand times. I feel especially blessed to be able to serve God as a minister to youth and families - to HIS family. And it is my prayer that this devotional provides a small but effective means of service to YOU. You see, I love serving God, and I love that He lets me do it... that He lets me be on HIS team. I love that He gives me so many opportunities to serve Him and give Him glory by serving others in love.

This is not the way the world is. Every store has a "customer service" desk or department. McDonald's sign says "billions and billions served." But do those in the "service industry" truly show a desire to serve? Is it a pleasure? Do they count it a privilege? Does it bring joy to the cook to prepare your Big Mac and jumbo fries? :)
It's just a means of getting a paycheck, and "if I don't HAVE to smile or look you in the eye, I won't."

Lest this sound like a complaint, I just want to make clear my point: For those serving a Lord they love, it IS a privilege to serve. But without that motivation, service is just work. It's demeaning labor.

But Jesus told us that WE ARE NOT OF THIS WORLD!!! In serving others, and doing it with a smile, doing it with love, we definitely set ourselves apart. As the world continues to get darker, we set ourselves apart by shining ever brighter (Matthew 5:14, Ephesians 5:8-10).

"The only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve." - Albert Schweitzer. Whether or not you agree with all this man did or wrote, this thought is still very true. The more we seek out opportunities to serve others (and in doing so, serving the Master of Creation), the more fulfilled and joyful we will be. The more we can take the focus off ourselves, the more we can serve others with a glad heart, and put a smile on the face of our God.

Serve the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful singing. -
Psalm 100:2 (NASB)
Let's do this. It's the only life worth living, and it's a privilege. Will you join me?

SEVENS: Do not merely listen to the word... do what it says. James 1:22.

Thanks for readin' ... and be blessed!
(Originally published March 7, 2008)

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